Best Place to see and visit in turkey

When you take Travel to Turkey there is something for everyone. Even if you are a shopaholic or a person who loves history or maybe someone who loves mountain climbing, skiing, artefacts, beaches and the sun - Turkey is the place to visit.
There are various Turkey tour packages offered by various tour operators and tour groups. These packages can either be customized or can be group tours. One can on is one site which offers guided tours to Turkey.
When in Turkey, famous not to be missed sights are : Ankara, which is the capital. It has sprawling buildings, universities, commercial establishments but it is also famous for arts and culture and has a large concentration of museums like the Museum of Anatolian civilization.
Mardin in the south eastern part of Turkey leads to one of the oldest monasteries in the world - the Deyruz Zafaran monastery as well as the Sultan Isa Medresesi which once was used as an astronomical observatory.
Konya boasts of Rumi's mausoleum as well as the Seljuk Palace ruins and the Alaeddin Mosque.While Antalya has spectacular beaches and thriving greenery on the mountains all dotted with ancient ruins. Antalya is known for it's places to mountain climb, swim as well as to have family fun.
Marmaris also offers sandy white beaches and is a cruise port. One has abundant water sports, adventure sports, dining and nightlife here including boating tours which take visitors to explore the bays as well as the villages nearby.
Turkey Tourism sites advocated are Pamphylia which was occupied by Alexander the Great is now called Side and it has amazing excavated sites to see including the amphitheater as well as various temples. Bodrum figured a mausoleum which was part of the seven wonders of the ancient world. It also has the castle of St. Peter which is now a museum. It has beaches and cafes as well as nightclubs for the party lovers.
Ephesus' temple of Artemis too was on the list of the seven wonders of the ancient world and once can still see the ruins which are preserved. In addition to the temple of Hadrian as well as the Celsus Library which contains 12000 scrolls.
You can also find more info on various sites which talk about Turkey and what all one can see as well as do there as this is a country which has limitless possibilities to explore, do and experience.